In the language of computers, we more readily assume that you have to adopt a computational basis
and make human readable code to be fed to compilers upon that basis.
Have we ever ventured on the slope of bridging the gap between man and machine by plugging computationality and human language axioms on the same terrain ?
so that human and machine can find a terrain of mutual respact according to the tasks of both.
The tasks of one being in majority as of 2014 : transmission, storage, computation, autnomous displacement
The task of the other being (as of 2014) : placement and maintenance of storage transmission and computation, human language speaking and autnomous acting displacement other than machine maintenance, and code produced for machines in the intent of serving man.
the case of transmission can be analyzed by the chain of state changes that preserve the highest level information, that is the information destined to the addressee.
The case of computation being the performance of state changes on the basis of code fed by humans to machines.
The case of storage being the durable representation of data on a medium in the physical world destined as a receiver (media write) or sender (media read) through transmission and transcoding
The case of autnomous displacement : first we have to analyze the different displacements :
non-autonomous displacement : the entity is at all times being controlled by a human operator in his displacement
restrained displacement : the entity is at all time being confined in a terrain of action, these boundaries he cannot bypass
smei-atunomous : the entity is assigned a goal, its course of action being driven by AI, with the possibility of reverting to non-autnomous displacement
pseudo-autonomous : the entity is assigned a goal (or termninal action), and full manual control is not an option, the main modalities of goal change being persuasion,interference,destruction or cold storage and AI re-engineering of the AI system in order to change the goal
autnomous non interferable, potentially hostile : the entity has a free field of action based on AI rules. It rejects subsequent modifications and interference of humans
autnomous non interferable, non hostile : follows Asimov rules (to put simple)
What is a goal ?
application of causative impulses in order to obtain a cascaded cause and consequence network with a predetermined focus being on the goal,
and the steps involved in reaching the goal (this being premeditation)
on the reps
What is a decision ?
The following presentation of decision tackles immediately the problem of free will in the western philosophical tradition.
Free will could be ethically conceived by man as a barrier beetween man and machine.
As could be consciosness, reflective consciousness, soul, or other less primordial and iconsistently derived value.
A path of thought must be taken. Therefore, a review of different ethical systems had been done in ordrer to initiate
this journey. The key being the ethical framework that ensure a smooth integration of man and machine, and defining
the base of ethics to be followed by machines as the ethics of man towards machine.
The choice of existing frameworks is based on the compatibility of the system to the task at hand.
We will enumerate the different qualites that make the pairing of the system work properly.
Free will may be well an illusion : it is gained first by insight and calming of the mind.
the basis of action and volition are defined and may map to decision making based on mental factors (AI concomittent co-states)
mind follows uiltimately a discrete flow of consciousnesses characterized by arising,becoming,decaying.
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